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Assertiveness for Career and Personal Success

 Assertiveness for Career and Personal Success

Author: Jeannie Marshall
Credit: 1.0 CEUs
Testing Format: multiple choice
Your Price: $139.00
ISBN: 9780761204664
Format: Audio Compact Disk


Techniques for managing others while maintaining mutual respect.

Expressing your honest thoughts and feelings to others and asking for—and getting—others to respect your basic rights and needs is not always easy. Assertiveness for Career and Personal Success will help you build on your existing strengths and improve your overall ability to assert yourself in responsible and appropriate ways.

Course Objective: Understand techniques for managing others while maintaining mutual respect and recognize and avoid self-defeating behaviors.

Selected Learning Objectives

• Recognize and avoid seven self-defeating, non-assertive roles

• Manage others without being aggressive or manipulative

• Respond to other people’s needs without giving up your own

• Say “no” to unfair demands

• Resolve conflicts and deal with aggressiveness in others

• Enhance your self-image—and your on-the-job authority


Testing Format

This course contains one multiple choice test valued at one Continuing Education Unit (CEU).


Table of Contents

About the Author

How to Take This Course


1. You and Assertiveness 1


Exhibit 1–1 You and Your Assertiveness

Exhibit 1–2 Indicators of Inappropriate Behavior

Exhibit 1–3 Behavior Modes

Exhibit 1–4 Areas of Assertiveness Difficulty

Exhibit 1–5 Outline of Your Assertiveness Training Program

Exhibit 1–6 Targets for Assertiveness

2. Assertiveness on the Job 13


Exhibit 2–1 What’s Your Response?

Exhibit 2–2 Analyzing Your Responses

Exhibit 2–3 The Five Main Aims of On-the-Job Assertiveness and Specific Concerns for Each

Exhibit 2–4 Discrimination Exercise

Exhibit 2–5 Career and Personal Goals

Exhibit 2–6 Analyzing Goals

3. You Can Act Assertively 2


Exhibit 3–1 People Telling You No

Exhibit 3–2 People Asking for Something You Don’t Want

to Give

Exhibit 3–3 Coping with Pressure to Comform

4. Techniques for Becoming More Assertive 3


Exhibit 4–1 Learning to State Your Desires

Exhibit 4–2 Learning to Say “No”

Exhibit 4–3 Assertive Expressions of Understanding

Exhibit 4–4 More Assertive Expressions of Understanding

Exhibit 4–5 Your Basic Human Rights

Exhibit 4–6 The Endless Tape Technique

5. Your Personal Assertiveness-Building Program 53


Exhibit 5–1 Subjective Units of Pleasure

Exhibit 5–2 Blocks to Identifying Assertiveness

Exhibit 5–3 Foundations of Your Assertiveness

Exhibit 5–4 Guidelines for Concentrating on Assertiveness

Problem Areas

Exhibit 5–5 Alternative Behavior in Problem Situations

Exhibit 5–6 Setting Goals for Problem Situations

Exhibit 5–7 Evaluating Your New Behavior

Exhibit 5–8 Assertiveness-Building Progress Chart

6. You Can Stop Your Self-Defeating Behavior 69


Exhibit 6–1 The Underdog

Exhibit 6–2 The Aloof Loaf

Exhibit 6–3 Secret Agent

Exhibit 6–4 Seduction

Exhibit 6–5 Power Behind the Throne

Exhibit 6–6 The Wild Animal

Exhibit 6–7 The Sleeping Giant

Exhibit 6–8 Analyzing Nonassertive Game Playing

7. Assertiveness Guidelines 81


Exhibit 7–1 Take Responsibility and Stay Focused on Your


Exhibit 7–2 Body Language Evaluation Sheet

Exhibit 7–3 Practice Choosing Your Responses

Exhibit 7–4 Active Listening Checklist

Exhibit 7–5 Appropriate Levels of Assertiveness

Exhibit 7–6 Summary of Assertiveness Guidelines

8. Assertiveness in Your Everyday Life 91


Exhibit 8–1 You and Your Assertiveness—Part 2

Exhibit 8–2 Progress in Your Assertiveness Problem Areas

Exhibit 8–3 Progress Toward the Five Main Goals of

Assertiveness on the Job

Exhibit 8–4 Starting Small and Making Progress

Exhibit 8–5 Desensitization and Increased Assertiveness

Exhibit 8–6 Keeping Track of Progress