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Performance Management

 Performance Management

Author: Charles M. Caldwell
Credit: 2.0 CEUs
Testing Format: multiple choice
Your Price: $159.00
ISBN: 9780761213925
Format: Book


Organizational success depends on the continuous improvement of staff performance at all levels.

People constitute the real competitive advantage in business and industries of all types. Enhancing the performance of your people and ultimately your organization depends on the continuous improvement of staff at all levels. An effective Performance Management system is essential to help employees perform at their best and align their contributions with the goals, values, and initiatives of the organization.

Performance Management presents managers and supervisors with a clear model they can follow to plan, monitor, analyze, and maintain a satisfying process of performance improvement for their staff. Designed for readers to apply what they are learning to their current job responsibilities, this course offers exercises and assessments to determine your readiness to implement performance management. It also illustrates strategies for developing the crucial communication skills of coaching, problem solving, and giving feedback while teaching methods for linking organization and personal goals.

By demystifying the role of performance management techniques, Performance Management provides the knowledge and tools to design and implement a workable system that benefits the organization and inspires employees to manage their own performance.

Course Objective: Gain the skills to plan, monitor, analyze, and maintain a performance management process.

Selected Learning Objectives

• Identify and remedy performance gaps

• Document performance with charts, graphs, reports

• Evaluate performance with BARS (Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales

• Implement S.M.A.R.T. guidelines (specific, measurable, accountable, realistic, time frame)

• Establish non-monetary rewards through alignment, complement base pay, and other means

• Use training and development tools, such as self-study, seminars, in-house training, books, video, simulation, job rotation, and online training


Testing Format

This course contains one multiple choice test valued at two Continuing Education Units (CEUs).


Table of Contents

About This Course

How to Take This Course


1. Getting Started with Performance Management 1

Performance Management Defined


Are You Ready for Performance Management?

Making Performance Management Work

Communicate Expectations

Involve Employees in the Process

Use a Systematic Approach

Be Willing to Work Hard

Make a Commitment to Success

Performance Management Model

Step 1: Planning Performance

Step 2: Monitoring Performance

Step 3: Analyzing Performance

Step 4: Improving Performance

Step 5: Maintaining Performance


Review Questions

2. Planning Performance: What is Expected? 25

Providing Direction

Why Is Direction Important?

What Should Be Directed?

How Much Direction Is Required?

Using Job Descriptions

Defining Specific Responsibilities

Format and Content

Using Job Descriptions in a Changing Environment

Limits of Job Descriptions

Linking to Organization Goals

Involve Your Employees

Developing Performance Plans

Set Goals


Maintain Accountability

Provide Support


Review Questions

3. Monitoring Performance: How Are We Doing? 45

Measuring Performance

Why Performance Measurement Is Important

Establishing Baseline Performance

Comparing Results to Established Goals

Reviewing Business Processes

Using Charts and Graphs

Gathering Performance Data

What Data Should Be Gathered?

How and When Will the Data Be Gathered?

How Will the Data Be Documented?

Observing Employee Performance

Prepare to Observe

Explain Why You Are Observing

Prepare an Observation Checklist

Observe More Than Once

Evaluate the End Result

Recognize the Effect of Your Observation

Remain Neutral During Your Observation


Review Questions

4. Analyzing Performance: What Performance Gaps Exist? 69

Performance Gaps

Is the Employee Doing Anything About the Performance Gap?

Is the Performance Gap Important Enough to Fix?

The Causes of Performance Gaps

Does the Performer Know What Is Expected?

Is the Performer Receiving Feedback About Performance?

Does the Performer Have the Necessary Knowledge and Skill to Perform the Job?

Is the Performer Willing to Do the Required Job?

Is There a Task Interference That Prevents Doing the Job?

Do Consequences Match the Performance?

Does the Performer Have the Capacity to Do the Job?

Potential for Improved Performance

What’s the Cost of Eliminating the Performance Gap?

Benefits of Eliminating Performance Gaps


Review Questions

5. Improving Performance: How Can We Make It Better? 87

System Strategies to Improve Performance

Organization Strategies

Environment Strategies

Using Training and Development to Improve Performance

What Is Training?

Why Do We Train?

Matching Training and Development with Performance Needs

Sources for Training and Development

Using Coaching and Mentoring to Improve Performance



Coaching and Mentoring Goals

Performance Improvement Coaching

Using Performance Action Plans to Improve Performance

Developing a Performance Action Plan

Some Practical Considerations


Review Questions

6. Maintaining Performance: How Do We Keep Performance On Track? 113

Using Feedback to Maintain Performance

Feedback Systems

Positive Feedback

Corrective Feedback

Using Performance Appraisal to Maintain Performance

What Makes the Process Work?

What Should the Appraisal Cover?

What Rating System Should Be Used?

What Performance Categories Should Be Used?

How Should the Appraisal Meeting Be Conducted?

Pay for Performance System

Pay and Organization Strategy

Pay as a Reward for Performance

Planning for Pay

Nonmonetary Rewards for Performance


Complement Base Pay

Low Cost Nonmonetary Rewards

Unique Approaches to Nonmonetary Rewards


Review Questions

7. Implementing Performance Management 141

Organization Culture and Performance Management

Strategies in a Nonsupportive Organization Culture

Implement a “Local” Performance Management System

Implement Parts of the System

Build Support from Within

Keys to a Successful Performance Management System

Communicate Expectations

Involve Employees in the Process

Use a Systematic Approach

Be Willing to Work Hard

Make a Commitment to Success

Reevaluate Your Readiness for Performance Management

Develop an Implementation Action Plan


Review Questions


